Renseignements cliniques provenant d'associations médicales et d'entreprises
de soins de santé
septembre 2018 • Vol 5 no6 |
Nouvelles lignes directrices de pratique clinique sur la prise en charge du trouble d’utilisation d’opioïdes
De nouvelles lignes directrices nationales sur la prise en charge du trouble d’utilisation d’opioïdes ont été publiées en mars 2018 dans le CMAJ. Les lignes directrices ont été élaborées par l’Initiative canadienne de recherche sur l’abus de substances (ICRAS) afin de combler les lacunes dans le traitement du trouble d’utilisation d’opioïdes. Les recommandations de pratique clinique s’adressent aux professionnels de la santé canadiens. En savoir plus
Loss Aversion Bias – The Importance of Carefully Framing Risks and Benefits to Patients
Loss aversion bias is a well-documented process in which the psyche puts significantly more weight on risks versus benefits. This article provides practical insights for ensuring that you communicate risk and benefits in a manner that helps patients better understand and assess risk when making treatment decisions. Physicians Practice Read more
Physician Burnout and Depression Rates
The National Physician Burnout & Depression Report 2018, published by Medscape, surveyed more than 15,000 physicians from 29 specialties, and the results were distressing. Almost half of physicians in neurology, family medicine, critical care, ob-gyn, and internal medicine report that they are experiencing burnout. American Medical Association Read more
Good Cholesterol in Postmenopausal Women
It turns out that 'good' cholesterol may not be universally good. A study of 1,380 women (mean age 61.8 years) suggested that elevated high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) may not be cardioprotective in postmenopausal women. Physician’s Briefing Read more