Clinical News from Medical Associations & Healthcare Companies
May 2018 • Volume 5 Issue 5

Clinical efficacy and safety of achieving very low LDL-cholesterol concentrations with the PCSK9 inhibitor evolocumab: a prespecified secondary analysis of the FOURIER trial. Lead author; Robert P. Giugliano

This analysis aimed to explore the relationship between progressively lower LDL cholesterol achieved at 4 weeks and clinical efficacy and safety in this prespecified, secondary analysis of the FOURIER trial. The authors found a strong relationship between achieved LDL cholesterol down to concentrations 0·2 mmol/L and a progressive reduction in major cardiovascular outcomes, with no increase in safety events. These observations extend previous findings with statins and ezetimibe to lower concentrations of LDL cholesterol than previously reported, in a larger sample size, and with the newest and most potent lipid-lowering therapy approved to date. Read more

Colon Cancer Rates Rising Among Younger White Adults

Research recently published in JAMA found that for adults under the age of 55, rates of colorectal cancer, as well as deaths, are rising. But only among whites – demographic trends indicate that blacks are seeing declines in both incident and mortality rates. Physicians News Digest Read more

Losing Ground Against Gonorrhea – The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance

As the second most commonly reported STI, effective treatments for Gonorrhea are critical. So, news of the evolution of increasingly drug-resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae complicates current treatment strategies, with the risk of the eventual emergence of untreatable disease. Physician’s Weekly Read more

Chronic Aspirin Exposure Linked to Melanoma Risk in Males

Researchers reviewed medical records to examine the risk of malignant melanoma in patients with chronic acetylsalicylic acid exposure (defined as continuous once-daily ASA exposure for ≥1 year). They observed a significant correlation between ASA consumption and malignant melanoma in men, but not in women. Physician’s Briefing Read more


Screening for Impaired Vision in Community-dwelling Adults Aged 65 Years and Older in Primary Care Settings

May 2018, Canadian Medical Association Journal

Chronic Asthma

April 2018, Toward Optimized Practice

Immunization in Pregnancy

April 2018, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada

Medical CBT for Anxiety: Ten-Minute Techniques   Aug 23‑25, 2018   Whistler, BC
Family Medicine Update 2018   Aug 31‑Sep 2, 2018   South Lake Tahoe, CA
International Conference on Physician Health   Oct 11‑13, 2018   Toronto, ON